The Workbench 2016-06

  • Posted on: 23 June 2016
  • By: tomww

Some quick notes about what's happening on the SFE side.

LibreOffice5 is on the workbench in Australia.

Foswiki (perl) now has all its required modules in the repository. So CGI-Mode looks working but mod_perl doesn't play well at the moment. Either troubles with Apache rewrite rules loosing the tag "perl-script" or perl 5.12 on S11 is not suitable. Need help from a mod_perl guru. Know one?

Foswiki and Perl Modules available

  • Posted on: 9 June 2016
  • By: tomww

Hi all,

the Perl modules required to build up a "foswiki" are now available in the repositories.
For Foxwiki itself, I'll create a package once I managed to get a propper basic configuration that works:
The cgi-mode is already functioning, only the mod_perl mode is a but hairy to debug. The apache22 mod_rewrite rules and the call to bin/view don't play well together in my Test-Setup on Solaris 11.3.

Wine 1.9.10 Emulator Is Hitting The Repositories

  • Posted on: 25 May 2016
  • By: tomww

Hi all,

I've updated the package for wine these days to version 1.9.10

You may find the wine package for your favored OS if you search the repositories here:

Something to test would be if directx works. If you have success or a failure and can help to debug this, that would be great.

Try it. You'll be surprised how fast firefox runs inside wine!

To start, run the script "winetricks" and install firefox from the application submenu.



Fuse Update in Planning

  • Posted on: 16 May 2016
  • By: tomww

I'm planning to update the fuse modules and libraries very soon. As well ntfs-3g should get an update.

Those modules/libs are used by e.g. ntfs, DAV tool "cadaver" and others like filesystem over ssh (sshfs).
If I can re-enable ext2 (or newer) over fuse will be interesting.

If you want to test the new packages or want to get notified for news, then please drop me a note in the comments or email to: sfepackages at g mail dot com


Funny Searchterms for Packages

  • Posted on: 24 April 2016
  • By: tomww

From time to time, vistors use the search function for the package repositories.

One or the other package or project name is maybe of interest to others as well.

If you find a package in the list below that is very interesting for you, then please let me know or write right into the comment field of the table why you have good use for such a package.

It can only help to get someone starting to work on it!


How To Setup SFE Publisher for OpenIndiana Hipster 2015 (draft)

  • Posted on: 27 March 2016
  • By: tomww

Dear readers, here is a draft version of upgrading OpenIndiana Hipster to the lastest version and then add the SFE publisher to install packages. Please read and if you already have access to the blog by username, *edit* this text to make it better. This is highly appreciated! I would prefer to let you improve this text, while I try to improve the packages. Deal?

More Perl Modules Arriving

  • Posted on: 9 March 2016
  • By: tomww

Update: 2016-03-16 For Solaris 11 the perl-modules are uploaded, for OI-Hipster and OmniOS I still need to make some more fixes to get some of the modules compile (mostly those with C-code involved)

Currently I'm preparing a bunch of perl modules, some of them especially for perlwiki.

If you want more perl modules added, please drop me a note so I can create the spec files with the handy script experimental/ and then test the spec files with experimental/testbuildperlmodule

. /opt/*bld/bin/
cd spec-files-extra

Proposal - Webstack - Which Packages needed?

  • Posted on: 28 January 2016
  • By: tomww


Build a webstack in SFE for Solaris, OpenIndiana (Hipster) and OmniOS.
Which packages would you like to see?


php (latest)


What about nodejs as a separate stack? Nodejs 4.x.x LTS and nodejs 5.x.x

Please write comments and add if possible which application you want to run on the webstack.
If PHP extensions are necessary for your project, that would be of interest as well!


Postfix 3.0.0 Package Fixed Manpage Names

  • Posted on: 18 January 2016
  • By: tomww

Read other news on postfix 3.0.3 with mediated symlinks

The postfix 3.0.0 package may have created a file conflict for the manpage mailq.1. The sendmail package from your OS-distro wanted to live in the same place.

The renaming of postfix's mailq.1 manpage to mailq.postfix.1 in the packaging stage didn't work any more, this is fixed now.

About SFE Packages for SPARC CPU - Build Zone?

  • Posted on: 17 January 2016
  • By: tomww

Dear friends of SFE,

if you would like to have me building packages for the SPARC CPUs, then this is only one step away. Only make a SPARC build zone available to me. Well it's probably not that easy. As spec files generally are written in a way where you can build them on Intel and SPARC CPUs, the problem is today, that I have no recent SPARC hardware available to run such builds.

NewsFlash - Automatic Builds Resumed

  • Posted on: 17 January 2016
  • By: tomww

Dear friends of SFE,

I've resumed the automatic builds for SFE packages on target OS distributions Oracle Solaris 11 (TM), OpenIndiana (Hipster) and OmniOS. Solaris 12 and OpenIndiana OI151a8/a9 will follow soon.

You can book the RSS feeds of the IPS repository for your OS distribution here: . This is useful e.g. on your mobile device to get notified if new packages or rebuilt packages appear.

LibeOffice on the workbench

  • Posted on: 7 January 2016
  • By: tomww

[Update 20160107] LibreOffice is ready, go to

Hi friends of SFE!

Currently I work on Libreoffice to get the fixes for CVEs.

It is not a simple recompile, over the time I discover flaws in what the LO-build system produces.
For instance lots of libraries (*.so) use symbols form the boost_system library, but the makefiles aren't adding the needed switches /-lboot_system) to include the library...

Attending 32C3 in Hamburg

  • Posted on: 7 December 2015
  • By: tomww

Are you attenting the Chaos Communication Congres 32C3 in Hamburg this year?
If I manage to get a ticket (unfortunatly and surprisingly sold out since Dec 7th!), I'll be there.
I'd like to arrange a meeting and talk with ->you<- about SFE and Solaris and OpenIndiana and OmniOS. What do you think? Would you come to the table?
In case you are interested and to keep in contact, drop me a note here or on twitter or email, whatever is conventient to you.


NewsFlash - Updating Solars 11 build machine to 11.2 - Update OpenSSL 1.0.0 to 1.0.1 with ec.h ecdsa.h - for nettle samba

  • Posted on: 2 October 2015
  • By: tomww

Update 20151021 Upgrade to 11.2 completed. I had to uninstall a few SFE packages (gnu-getopt, mtr) and fix grub2 bootloader.
Update 20151020 Upgrade ongoging, I had to fix a broken disk first

I'm planning to update the autobuild machine for Solaris from Version 11.0 to 11.2.

The consequences will be, that new packages and packages which get rebuilt will require you to
update your Solaris copy to at least version 11.2.

Totally Thrilled: LibreOffice for OpenIndiana Hipster

  • Posted on: 11 August 2015
  • By: tomww
LibreOffice for OpenIndiana Hipster is now in SFE spec-files-extra! Other OS-Distro will follow!

(Update: For now, please start Libreoffice with: /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice -writer )

I'm totally thrilled! Burning 10 hours of CPU time and what is the result?

We have LibreOffice now in SFE!

What does that mean? You can build it on your own or use the ready built binary IPS-package (expect the package to be up before Friday 14th Aug 2015)
