The Workbench 2022-02

  • Posted on: 17 February 2022
  • By: tomww

samba 4.x update is on the workbench AD Active Directory
Note: Early version of Solaris mysql-80@8.0.28 crashed in "ALTER TABLE". This is fixed now, please "pkg update -v mysql-80@" (replace update with install for fresh installs)

The Workbench 2021-11

  • Posted on: 14 January 2022
  • By: tomww

* mysql 8.0.21 for X86 is available on Solaris X86 for version mysql-8.0.27
* mysql 8.0.27 epackage uploaded for Solaris 11.4 "mysql-80" (replacing mysql-8.0.27-solaris11-x86_64.pkg.gz)
* added GCC 11.2 for Solaris 11.4 - fixed runtime RPATH in gcc configuration spec
* important release notes about libreoffice52 on recent Solaris 11.4 SRU

FOI002 - bhyve and illumos community

  • Posted on: 21 December 2021
  • By: tomww

Hi friends of illumos!

Episode No. 2 of the podcast "friends of illumos" is out!

After a weekend packed with podcast cutting and postprocessing I finally managed to upload the new episode. I decided to give a try and uploaded the new episode FOI002 as well as the older one FOI001. I think it will take a moment, until the subdomain for foi is established. You can listen or register the RSS feed here:

The Workbench 2021-08

  • Posted on: 26 July 2021
  • By: tomww

Hi all, SFE is still alive.

The Internet-Connetion suffered a bit from the bad weather conditions during the last weeks.
Today I switched to a different uplink using a GRE tunnel. Just in case you see some issues with the package repositories, then please drop me a note on and let me know what is the error you can see.

The Workbench 2020-09

  • Posted on: 31 August 2020
  • By: tomww

For Solaris, OmniOSce, OpenIndiana:
* added clamav current version
* added clamsmtp letting postfix scan for virus
* updated mutt 1.14.7
* working on move to github
* builds for omnios-r151034 have started

FOI001 - Friends of Illumos - Podcast from @FOSDEM 2019

  • Posted on: 1 February 2020
  • By: tomww

FOI001 - Friends of Illumos - @FOSDEM 2019 in Brussels

At the @FOSDEM conference on February 3rd 2019 in Brussels there was the idea to make a podcast "Friends of Illumos" and talk about the achievements and whats to be done.

You can find all episodes on:

The Workbench 2020-01

  • Posted on: 31 January 2020
  • By: tomww

* work has started for SPARC Packages on Solaris 11.3 / Solaris 11.4 - drop me a note if you need some packages first
* attending FOSDEM conference in Bruessels on Feb 1st/2nd - visit the illumos table
* working on the release iof the first episode of the posdcast "friends of illumos"

FOSDEM 2020 Feb 1st+2nd - Come to the Illumos Table in Building K!

  • Posted on: 20 January 2020
  • By: tomww

Visit the illumos table at @FOSDEM in Bruessels, Belgium, Febuary 1st & 2nd 2020, Building K.

If you are a Solaris, an OpenIndiana Hipster or OmniOS user, you'll find the illumos table full of really nice people that are very happy to have a chat with you. And I believe you can get illumos stickers too.


PS: Still searching for an intro music for the podcast. If you have an idea for music that matches with this technical podcast, that would help speeding up the release!

Meet at #36C3

  • Posted on: 9 December 2019
  • By: tomww

Dear Users of SunOS (Solaris | OpenIndiana | OmniOSce | SmartOS),

would you like to meet at Chaos Communication Congress #36C3 in Leipzig this year?

We could talk about the cool things you're doing on the OS, with ZFS, with bhyve, KVM or cool services you've assembled. Or just talk about life.

We even could record a nice podcast. That would be "friends of illumos #2" then. You don't need large preparation for that, just your ideas (sure, you have plenty!), your voice and your mind :). Recording of the first episode has been very much fun!

The Workbench 2019-10

  • Posted on: 19 October 2019
  • By: tomww


I've written a draft version of a setup guide for compiling packages yourself. A reason for compiling yourself might be you want to develop your own spec files, or you want to verify builds for more security or every other reason of your choice.
My personal most appreciated reason for you having a build environment would be that you plan to contribute to the repository of spec-files and improve the number and / or quality of the provided software packages!.

The Workbench 2019-08

  • Posted on: 2 September 2019
  • By: tomww

Only a quick note:
Samba 4.10.6 now runs nicely on Solaris 11.3, Solaris 11.4, OmniOSce, Openindiana Hipster as Active Domain Controller.
I'll post setup instructions in a few weeks (drop me anote if you are in a hurry!), so you can replay the setup of an Active Directory Controller running in one Zone and add a second zone with the fileserver that joins the AD. ZFS is configured to support ACLs necessary to grant permissions by the RSAT tools, Group Policy Objects and Roaming Profiles (on Windows).

Visiting Chaos Communication Congress #35C3 in Leipzig, Germany

  • Posted on: 9 December 2018
  • By: tomww

Update: Finally I've got my ticket for 35C3 - I'm looking forward to see you there! On congress you can reach me on DECT phone by dialing extention "tomw" or 8669 on your phone. You know you can reach the extensions as well from the outside by prepending the congress phone number (will be announced) in case you don't have a DECT or GSM extension registered.

The Workbench 2018-04

  • Posted on: 10 May 2018
  • By: tomww

Quick note, more updates on this article will appear soon.

Now available: pdftk for Solaris 11!

pdftk 2.02 from ist now available for Solaris 11 (version 11.3)!

You can merge, split or watermark PDFs from the command line.
To build the package it was necessary to enhance the GCC 4.9.4 package with the Java compiler "gcj".
For OpenIndiana Hipster the compile run is is not yet clean (iconv symbols missing).

SFE is Running on Backup Site

  • Posted on: 30 April 2018
  • By: tomww

Update: The current (former backup) site got improved, so it will be the main site for now. 20181105

(Article will be updated once new status is know) last updated: 20180430-1300GMT

Dear SFE Users!

Once a service goes down, you recognize how important the service is to people.

The backup site and _ALL_ IPS Repositories are online and operational. The domain name points to this new IP-Address, so no changes needed on your side.

The Workbench 2018-03

  • Posted on: 14 March 2018
  • By: tomww

The Workbench 2018-03 will be delayed for a short while.
I'm currently busy working to get up my freelance career.
SFE packages continues to get you valuable software, no changes here.

In the meantime feel free to drop me a line and tell me what you need / think about SFE.


Edit 20180314:
Samba 4.6.13 for Solaris 11 and OmniOS / OmniOSce got updated to samba 4.6.14 - CVE-2018-1057: Unprivileged user can change any user (and admin) password. Packages for Solaris 11.3 and OmniOSce should already be in the repository

[solved] pkg update throws error with conflicting path /pkgconfig

  • Posted on: 23 February 2018
  • By: tomww

[solved: with timestamp 20180226 there is a new set of packages for gcc@4.9.4 on S11 and OI that has correct settings for directory pkgconfig. Just re-try your update or install now. Thanks for your patience and have fun using the added java compiler "gcj"! edited 20180227-0900-UTC]

A quick note from the workbench..

the last udpate to GCC 4.9.4 and including the java compiler gcj introduced a problem with a conflicting set of attributes to the patch /usr/gnu/lib/pkgconfig and /usr/gnu/lib/amd64/pkgconfig.
